Unveiling the Threat of SIM Swapping: Protecting Your Digital Identity


In today's interconnected world, where our lives are intertwined with technology, our digital identities are precious and vulnerable assets. The rise of cybercrimes has brought various threats to the forefront, and one such threat that has gained notoriety in recent years is SIM swapping. This stealthy technique has the potential to grant hackers unauthorized access to our digital lives, enabling them to steal sensitive information, commit fraud, and wreak havoc. This article explores the ins and outs of SIM swapping, its implications, and how you can safeguard yourself against this alarming cyber threat.

Understanding SIM Swapping

SIM swapping, also known as SIM card swapping or SIM hijacking, is a malicious practice where cybercriminals attempt to gain control over a victim's mobile phone number. They do this by convincing the victim's mobile carrier to transfer the victim's phone number to a SIM card under the hacker's control. This is usually achieved through social engineering techniques, where the hacker manipulates the carrier's customer support into believing that they are the legitimate owner of the phone number.

Once the hacker successfully completes the SIM swap, they gain access to the victim's text messages, calls, and two-factor authentication (2FA) codes, which are often sent to the victim's mobile number. With this access, the hacker can reset passwords, gain control over email accounts, social media profiles, financial accounts, and more.

Implications of SIM Swapping

The consequences of falling victim to a SIM swap attack can be devastating. Here are some potential implications:

  1. Identity Theft: Hackers can impersonate you and gain access to your personal information, potentially leading to identity theft and financial loss.

  2. Financial Fraud: With access to your accounts, hackers can perform unauthorized transactions, drain your bank accounts, and open lines of credit in your name.

  3. Privacy Breach: Text messages and call logs often contain sensitive information. Hackers can exploit this data to invade your privacy or blackmail you.

  4. Social Engineering: Hackers can use the stolen information to trick your contacts into sharing more information or to gain access to their accounts.

  5. Online Accounts Compromise: Many online services use 2FA via text messages. Hackers can bypass this security measure using your compromised mobile number.

Protecting Yourself Against SIM Swapping

Thankfully, there are several steps you can take to protect yourself against SIM swapping:

  1. Strong Authentication: Use strong, unique passwords for all your online accounts, and enable two-factor authentication (2FA) using authentication apps rather than relying solely on SMS-based codes.

  2. Carrier Awareness: Contact your mobile carrier and ask about additional security measures they offer to prevent SIM swapping, such as PINs or passcodes.

  3. PIN Protection: Set up a PIN or passcode with your mobile carrier to add an extra layer of security for any account-related changes.

  4. Be Cautious: Be cautious about sharing personal information online and on social media. Hackers often gather information to use in social engineering attacks.

  5. Use Authentication Apps: Whenever possible, use authentication apps like Google Authenticator or Authy for 2FA instead of relying on SMS codes.

  6. Monitor Accounts: Regularly monitor your financial and online accounts for any suspicious activity. Promptly report any unauthorized transactions or changes.


In an era where our digital lives are deeply intertwined with technology, safeguarding our personal information has become paramount. SIM swapping serves as a stark reminder of the evolving landscape of cyber threats and the importance of staying vigilant. By staying informed about these risks and implementing proactive security measures, you can significantly reduce the likelihood of falling victim to a SIM swap attack and protect your valuable digital identity.

How to Protect Your Online Privacy in 5 Easy Steps

In today's digital age, our online privacy is constantly at risk. From cybercriminals to data breaches, our personal information is vulnerable to a multitude of threats. However, there are easy steps you can take to protect your online privacy and keep your personal information safe. In this article, we will discuss five easy steps you can take to protect your online privacy.

  1. Use Strong Passwords

One of the easiest ways to protect your online privacy is to use strong passwords. This means using a combination of letters, numbers, and special characters, and avoiding common words or phrases. Also, it is recommended to use a unique password for each online account. By using strong and unique passwords, you can reduce the risk of your accounts being hacked and your personal information being compromised.

  1. Enable Two-Factor Authentication

Two-factor authentication (2FA) is an extra layer of security that requires you to enter a code or use a biometric identifier (like your fingerprint) in addition to your password. This makes it more difficult for someone to access your accounts, even if they have your password. Many online services offer 2FA, so be sure to enable it for all your accounts.

  1. Be Careful with Personal Information

Be cautious about sharing personal information online. Avoid posting personal details such as your full name, address, phone number, and birth date on social media or other public platforms. When filling out forms or signing up for services online, only provide the necessary information. If you are unsure if a website is legitimate, do some research before providing any personal information.

  1. Use a Virtual Private Network (VPN)

A Virtual Private Network (VPN) is a tool that encrypts your internet connection and hides your IP address, making it more difficult for anyone to track your online activities. A VPN can also protect you from cybercriminals who may be trying to steal your personal information. There are many VPN services available, so be sure to choose a reputable provider.

  1. Keep Your Software Up-to-Date

Keeping your software up-to-date is crucial to protecting your online privacy. Software updates often include security patches that fix vulnerabilities that could be exploited by cybercriminals. Make sure to regularly update your operating system, web browsers, and other software to ensure that you have the latest security features and protections.

In conclusion, protecting your online privacy is essential in today's digital age. By following these five easy steps, you can significantly reduce the risk of your personal information being compromised. Use strong passwords, enable two-factor authentication, be careful with personal information, use a VPN, and keep your software up-to-date. By taking these simple steps, you can enjoy the benefits of the internet without sacrificing your privacy and security.

Understanding the Basics of Cybersecurity: Tips for Staying Safe Online

In today's digital age, cybersecurity is more important than ever. With more people relying on the internet for everything from work to personal communication, it is crucial to understand the basics of cybersecurity and take steps to stay safe online.

Cybersecurity refers to the practice of protecting electronic devices, networks, and sensitive information from unauthorized access, theft, or damage. This can include protecting personal data, financial information, and intellectual property, among other things.

Here are some tips for staying safe online:

  1. Keep your software up to date.

One of the simplest things you can do to improve your cybersecurity is to keep your software up to date. This includes your operating system, web browser, and any other software you use regularly. Software updates often include security patches that address known vulnerabilities and help protect your device from cyberattacks.

  1. Use strong and unique passwords.

Another crucial step in staying safe online is using strong and unique passwords for all of your online accounts. This means avoiding commonly used passwords, such as "password" or "123456," and creating complex passwords that include a mix of letters, numbers, and symbols.

Additionally, you should avoid reusing the same password across multiple accounts. If one account is compromised, using the same password for other accounts can make it easy for hackers to gain access to your other sensitive information.

  1. Be cautious when clicking on links.

Phishing scams are a common tactic used by cybercriminals to gain access to sensitive information. These scams often involve sending fake emails or messages that appear to be from a legitimate source, such as a bank or social media platform, and asking you to click on a link or provide personal information.

To avoid falling victim to a phishing scam, be cautious when clicking on links and only provide personal information on websites you trust.

  1. Use two-factor authentication.

Two-factor authentication (2FA) adds an extra layer of security to your online accounts by requiring you to provide two forms of identification to log in. This can include a password and a code sent to your phone or email.

Enabling 2FA can help prevent unauthorized access to your accounts, even if someone has obtained your password.

  1. Back up your data regularly.

Finally, it is important to regularly back up your data to a secure location. This can include saving important files to an external hard drive or using a cloud-based backup service.

Backing up your data can help protect against data loss in the event of a cyberattack or device failure.

In conclusion, cybersecurity is an essential part of staying safe online. By following these basic tips, you can improve your online security and help protect your sensitive information from cybercriminals. Remember to keep your software up to date, use strong and unique passwords, be cautious when clicking on links, enable two-factor authentication, and back up your data regularly.

Tips for Choosing the Right Gaming Laptop

Gaming laptops have become increasingly popular in recent years as the demand for high-performance gaming has grown. When choosing a gaming laptop, it can be overwhelming with the number of options available. Here are some tips to help you choose the right gaming laptop for your needs.

  1. Graphics Card: The graphics card is the most important component for a gaming laptop. It determines the quality of the visuals, the smoothness of gameplay, and the overall performance. When choosing a gaming laptop, you should consider the latest NVIDIA or AMD graphics card, as they are designed to handle the most demanding games. You should also consider the VRAM (Video Random Access Memory) of the graphics card, as it will affect the amount of data the GPU can handle.

  2. Processor: The processor is the brain of the laptop, and it is responsible for handling all the calculations needed to run the game smoothly. You should consider an Intel Core i7 or i9 processor or an AMD Ryzen processor for the best performance.

  3. RAM: The amount of RAM your gaming laptop has will affect the performance of your games. You should aim for at least 16GB of RAM, as this will provide enough memory to run most games smoothly. However, if you plan to run multiple applications or multitask, you may want to consider 32GB of RAM.

  4. Display: The display is another important component to consider when choosing a gaming laptop. You should aim for a high refresh rate (at least 120Hz) to ensure smooth gameplay. You should also consider the resolution of the display, as a higher resolution will provide sharper and more detailed visuals.

  5. Storage: Gaming laptops require a lot of storage space, as modern games can take up a lot of space. You should aim for at least 512GB of SSD storage, as this will provide enough space for your games and other applications.

  6. Cooling: Gaming laptops generate a lot of heat, so it is important to choose a laptop with good cooling. Look for a laptop with a good cooling system that includes heat pipes, fans, and vents to ensure that the laptop stays cool even during intense gaming sessions.

  7. Battery Life: Gaming laptops tend to have a shorter battery life than regular laptops due to their high-performance components. Look for a laptop with a battery life of at least 6-8 hours, as this will provide enough time to game on the go without needing to be constantly plugged in.

  8. Brand Reputation: When choosing a gaming laptop, it is important to consider the brand's reputation. Look for a brand that has a good track record of producing reliable and high-quality gaming laptops.

In conclusion, choosing the right gaming laptop can be overwhelming, but with these tips, you can make an informed decision. Remember to consider the graphics card, processor, RAM, display, storage, cooling, battery life, and brand reputation when making your decision. With the right gaming laptop, you can enjoy smooth gameplay and immersive visuals.

The Benefits of Using Cloud Storage for Your Business

In today's digital age, businesses are generating vast amounts of data on a daily basis. From customer data to financial records, businesses need reliable and secure storage solutions to manage and protect their data. One solution that has become increasingly popular in recent years is cloud storage. Cloud storage offers a range of benefits for businesses of all sizes, including cost savings, scalability, and improved collaboration. In this article, we will explore the benefits of using cloud storage for your business.

  1. Cost Savings

One of the most significant benefits of using cloud storage is cost savings. With cloud storage, businesses can avoid the upfront costs of purchasing and maintaining expensive on-site storage hardware. Cloud storage providers offer scalable storage solutions, meaning that businesses can pay only for the storage they need, and scale up or down as their storage requirements change. This pay-as-you-go model can help businesses save money on storage costs and avoid the need to invest in expensive hardware.

  1. Scalability

Cloud storage is highly scalable, meaning that businesses can quickly and easily increase or decrease their storage capacity to meet changing business needs. This scalability makes cloud storage an ideal solution for businesses that experience seasonal or fluctuating demand for storage space. Instead of having to invest in additional hardware or deal with the hassle of migrating data to new storage solutions, businesses can simply adjust their cloud storage capacity as needed.

  1. Improved Collaboration

Cloud storage also offers improved collaboration capabilities. With cloud storage, team members can access files and data from anywhere with an internet connection. This allows for greater collaboration and remote work capabilities, as team members can work together on projects and access important data regardless of their physical location. Cloud storage providers also offer a range of collaboration tools, such as file sharing and real-time editing, that can help teams work more efficiently.

  1. Enhanced Security

Cloud storage providers invest heavily in security measures to protect their customers' data. This includes measures such as data encryption, firewalls, and intrusion detection systems. By storing data in the cloud, businesses can benefit from these advanced security measures without having to invest in expensive on-site security solutions. Additionally, cloud storage providers typically have robust disaster recovery capabilities, meaning that businesses can rest assured that their data is safe in the event of a natural disaster or other unforeseen event.

  1. Accessibility

Cloud storage solutions offer businesses the ability to access their data from anywhere with an internet connection. This means that team members can access important files and data even when they are on the go or working remotely. This accessibility can help businesses to be more agile and responsive to changing business needs, as team members can access data and collaborate on projects regardless of their physical location.

In conclusion, cloud storage offers a range of benefits for businesses of all sizes. From cost savings to improved collaboration and enhanced security, cloud storage can help businesses to manage and protect their data more efficiently and effectively. If you are looking for a reliable and scalable storage solution for your business, cloud storage may be the answer.

The Top 10 Apps Every Small Business Owner Should Know About

Small business owners are always looking for ways to streamline their operations and increase productivity. With so many apps available in today's digital age, it can be overwhelming to decide which ones to use. Here are the top 10 apps every small business owner should know about.

  1. QuickBooks QuickBooks is a popular accounting software that is ideal for small businesses. It allows business owners to track expenses, manage invoices, and create financial reports. QuickBooks is user-friendly and easy to set up, making it a great tool for small business owners who may not have an accounting background.

  2. Slack Slack is a messaging platform that can help teams collaborate and communicate more efficiently. It allows you to create channels for different projects or teams, making it easy to organize conversations and keep everyone on the same page. Slack also integrates with other apps, such as Google Drive and Trello, making it a valuable tool for small business owners who use multiple apps.

  3. Trello Trello is a project management tool that can help organize tasks and keep track of deadlines. It uses a visual format, where each task is represented by a card that can be moved between columns. This makes it easy to see the progress of a project and identify any bottlenecks. Trello also integrates with other apps, such as Slack and Google Drive, making it a valuable tool for small business owners who use multiple apps.

  4. Hootsuite Hootsuite is a social media management platform that can help small businesses manage their social media presence across multiple channels. It allows you to schedule posts, track mentions and hashtags, and analyze social media metrics. Hootsuite is a great tool for small business owners who want to save time managing their social media accounts.

  5. Asana Asana is a project management tool that can help small businesses track projects, assign tasks, and collaborate with team members. It allows you to create tasks, set deadlines, and assign them to team members. Asana also has a calendar view, making it easy to see all the tasks and deadlines for a project. Asana also integrates with other apps, such as Slack and Google Drive, making it a valuable tool for small business owners who use multiple apps.

  6. Zoom Zoom is a video conferencing tool that can help small businesses conduct virtual meetings and webinars. It allows you to share your screen, record meetings, and chat with participants. Zoom is a great tool for small business owners who have remote employees or need to conduct virtual meetings with clients.

  7. Google Workspace Google Workspace is a suite of productivity tools that includes email, calendar, document editing, and more. It allows you to collaborate on documents in real-time, store files in the cloud, and manage your schedule. Google Workspace is a great tool for small business owners who want to streamline their productivity tools.

  8. HubSpot HubSpot is a customer relationship management (CRM) tool that can help small businesses manage their customer interactions and sales processes. It allows you to track leads, manage deals, and automate tasks. HubSpot also has a marketing automation tool, making it a valuable tool for small business owners who want to automate their marketing processes.

  9. Dropbox Dropbox is a cloud storage platform that can help small businesses securely store and share files. It allows you to sync files across devices, share files with others, and collaborate on documents. Dropbox is a great tool for small business owners who need to share files with remote employees or clients.

  10. Canva Canva is a graphic design platform that can help small businesses create professional-looking marketing materials and social media posts. It allows you to create designs from scratch or use pre-made templates. Canva is a great tool for small business owners who want to create their own marketing materials without the need for

Persistence Cyber Security Threat Facing Businesses

Persistence Cyber Security Threat Facing Businesses

Persistent cybersecurity threats are those that are designed to continually attempt to compromise a target system. These threats are often initiated by sophisticated attackers who are highly motivated and well-resourced. They may use a variety of tactics to gain access to a system, such as exploiting vulnerabilities in software, stealing user credentials, or using social engineering techniques to trick users into giving up sensitive information.

Pets and Technologies

In recent years, technology has revolutionized many aspects of our lives, from the way we work and communicate to the way we shop and travel. However, one area where technology has had a significant impact is in the world of pets. Today, pet owners have access to a wide range of technology that helps them care for their furry friends in new and innovative ways. In this article, we will explore the importance of pets in technology and the many benefits they bring to our lives.

Firstly, technology has made it easier than ever to keep our pets healthy and happy. Smart collars and tracking devices allow us to monitor our pets' activity levels, location, and health data, making it easier to detect and address any potential health issues. These devices can also help us track our pets' food and water intake, ensuring they are receiving the proper nutrition.

Secondly, technology has made it possible for us to interact with our pets even when we're not at home. Pet cameras and remote treat dispensers allow us to check on our pets, play with them, and reward them with treats, all from our smartphones or tablets. This can be especially helpful for pet owners who work long hours or have to travel frequently.

Thirdly, technology has helped to create a stronger bond between pets and their owners. Apps and social media platforms allow us to connect with other pet owners, share pictures and videos of our pets, and access valuable information about pet care. Virtual reality and augmented reality technologies have also made it possible for us to experience what the world looks like from our pets' perspective, helping us to better understand their needs and behaviors.

Finally, pets have become an important part of the technology industry. Pet tech startups are emerging at an unprecedented rate, developing innovative products and services designed to improve the lives of pets and their owners. From smart litter boxes and automated pet feeders to wearable health monitors and virtual vet consultations, the possibilities are endless.

In conclusion, pets are an essential part of our lives, and technology has only enhanced our ability to care for them. With so many new and innovative products and services available, pet owners now have more options than ever to keep their pets healthy, happy, and engaged. Whether you're a dog lover, cat person, or proud owner of any other furry friend, the importance of pets in technology cannot be overstated.

When the Worst Happens: How to Recover From a Data Breach

You work hard to keep your business safe and to maintain a good relationship with your customers – but then the worst happens, and your company is hit by a data breach or fraud. You might wonder how you're ever going to recover, much less prevent such a thing from happening again. Don't despair, though. Believe it or not, it’s possible to pick up the pieces and move on – and for the sake of your customers and employees, you must. Today, Wolex Technologies explains how.

Recovering Quickly

When you realize that something has gone wrong and that your business' data is at risk, your first step must be to identify the issue and secure your systems. Figure out exactly what has happened, and find the source of the breach and which information has been impacted. Next, change all passwords, and implement a temporary security fix so that no unauthorized parties can continue to access your data. Call in a professional to help you if necessary.

You must then reach out to authorities and your customers. Give the authorities as much information as possible, and they'll give you further guidance about how to handle the breach according to industry standards. Next, notify your customers, and do this as soon as possible. Tell them the time of the breach or fraudulent activity and a bit about the nature of the issue, especially what kinds of information were accessed. Also, give your customers some advice about how to protect themselves, such as canceling credit cards, and assure them you're doing everything possible to ensure their security. Reach out using more than one method of communication so that your customers receive this critical message. Send an email, but follow up with a letter or phone call, for example.

Now you enter into the long process of cleanup that involves recovering and reorganizing your data, permanently fixing breached areas, reestablishing customer trust, and making sure that the worst doesn't happen ever again.

Preventing Another Occurrence

As you begin the process of preventing future data breaches or incidents of fraud, consider hiring a security consultant to advise you on making your system as strong as possible. Upgrade your cybersecurity systems and software, and develop a secure data backup method at the very least.

Also, spend time training your employees about data security. You can, for instance, show them how to create strong passwords. The strongest passwords are those that combine lower- and upper-case letters, numbers, and symbols. Offer advice about keeping passwords safe and organized, and suggest a secure password manager.

You can also protect your business from a cyber attack by routinely updating patches, using high-end antivirus software, securing your infrastructure, and identifying which data is most sensitive. Using an invoice maker is a good way to retain back-ups of any billing or payment records, as well.

Finally, pay attention to the security of your communications with customers and other businesses as well as in-house communications. If you send invoices by email, for example, you can send them securely as PDF files. When you send these invoices to customers, encrypt them for an extra layer of security.

Returning to Business as Usual

While it's difficult to return to business as usual after an episode of fraud or a data breach, you can do it with some time, effort, and care.

Wolex Technologies provides cost-effective, world class service to our clients by researching market changes and staying consistent with current technology trends. Call (503) 662-2190.

5 Ways to Move Your Business Forward With Digital Innovation

If you’re trying to streamline operations in your business or reach more customers without working longer hours, it’s time to look towards different forms of digital innovation for solutions. Working with new software and tools can be challenging, but Wolex Technology can help you with all of your IT needs! By incorporating some of these digital solutions into your business, you’ll be able to grow your company in a sustainable fashion.

Business Process Management

Maybe some of your manual processes seem inefficient, or perhaps your workflows are slower than you’d like. Business process management, also known as BPM, can help you identify areas for improvement and implement fixes. A digital BPM framework represents the future of business process management, and you’ll be able to optimize and automate your internal processes to enhance your company’s digital capacities.

Are you wondering how to gain employee buy-in for BPM and the changes that could follow? Explain how changing certain processes can help your team save time and energy. As you develop your BPM framework, you’ll need to keep assessing its effectiveness so that you can adjust your model if necessary.

Remote Work Support

Maybe your company hasn’t enabled employees to work remotely yet - but by doing so, you can expand your access to talented new team members all over the world. To support remote work, you’ll need to invest in a virtual onboarding program and a project management system that can accommodate the size of your team.

Transitioning to working with remote team members can pose some challenges, especially if they live in different time zones. However, the right software makes it easier!

Digital Marketing

Perhaps you’ve only dipped your toes into the world of digital marketing. But you’re not limited to promoting your business on social media or sending out the occasional promotional email to your loyal customers.

There are plenty of other techniques you can use! Canz Marketing recommends investing more time in search engine optimization and content marketing. By publishing original, trustworthy content more often and incorporating popular keywords for your audience, you’ll naturally be able to boost your search engine rankings. You could also consider running paid ad campaigns across platforms. As you test new strategies, assess their effectiveness by measuring essential KPIs.

Enable Internal Communications

Chances are, your employees communicate by emailing each other or occasionally scheduling video meetings with team members in other offices. But with an internal communications platform, you’ll be able to centralize important conversations, making it easier for everyone to keep track and get in touch with other team members when something important comes up.

Which internal communications tool should you use? Interact Software recommends choosing a tool that your employees can access on different devices without losing key functions on their smartphone or tablet - that way, you can keep in touch on the go!

Update Your Website

You might already have a website for your business - but when did you last update it? If it’s been a year or so, it’s time to conduct a website “audit” and ensure that all of the existing information is up to date. You can also add new features or content! Furthermore, don’t overlook the importance of cybersecurity - if you’re concerned that your website might be vulnerable to attackers, consult an IT specialist to see what protections you should add.

As an entrepreneur, you’re already a natural innovator. Many businesses don’t reach their full potential due to a lack of innovation behind the scenes, but you can keep your company out of a rut by embracing creative new tools and strategies. By applying BPM and some of these solutions, you’ll be able to achieve new goals in your business.

Do you need help implementing or managing new technology for your company? Wolex Technology is here for you! Fill out the support form on our website today to get started.

Beginning a Business Career Despite Your Disability

A business career can mean financial stability and can present the opportunity for growth. When you're disabled, though, earning a degree and continuing on the path to a business career can be a struggle. However, with a few tips, you can start your career off the right way in Baltimore. 

Compare Your Degree Options Based on Earning Potential

The business field includes a wide variety of career options. As you choose, compare earning potential. For instance, a human resources specialist usually earns around $52,000 per year. According to the Bureau of Labor and Statistics (BLS), the average accountant makes $73,560 annually. On the other hand, a personal financial advisor earns a mean annual wage of $122,490.

Think About Online Schools

If you have focus issues, a brick-and-mortar school may be a challenge, especially when attending in person. Although a school must accommodate you if you have a physical disability, you may feel more comfortable staying home and having everything you need easily accessible.

Therefore, think about going to school online. You can earn a bachelor's degree in business or in a business-related field, such as business management, from an accredited educational institution. Many programs allow you to progress at your own pace and complete coursework on a schedule that works for you. 

Consider Careers That Allow You to Work From Home 

Physically going to a workplace, in general, can be a struggle. Plus, not every workplace caters to those who are physically disabled. If you have an emotional, mental, or psychiatric disorder, you know that work can be draining. You may battle with focus issues that hinder your ability to complete multistep tasks in person. If you have social anxiety, being in a workplace all day may be overwhelming.

Consider a business career that gives you the ability to work from home. Some examples include:

•             Accounting

•             Bookkeeping

•             Project management

•             Business consulting

Keep in mind that you can also use a business degree to open your own business and work from home. 

Complete an Internship

An internship gives you the ability to learn a business from someone in the field. You can choose to complete either an unpaid or a paid internship in Baltimore. While you may prefer a paid opportunity, an unpaid internship can give you the experience you need to succeed and may help you in the long run. Additionally, you may encounter less competition if you go for unpaid internships. 

Complete your internship applications accurately and well in advance to avoid missing deadlines. This is especially vital if you have anxiety. There’s a free resume builder you can use if you need help putting together a resume. This will help you stand out from the field of applicants.

You may need to participate in an interview for an internship position. If you have social anxiety, this may seem impossible, but you can take steps to reduce your stress by researching the company and remembering to breathe. Do some practice interviews with a close friend or family member to prepare, and reduce stress by choosing your outfit in advance and securing driving directions ahead of time. 

Disabilities Are Unique Obstacles, But They Don't Define You 

While disabilities can make earning a business degree and landing a job challenging, you can overcome any obstacles with a bit of know-how.


This article is brought to you by Wolex Technologies, where our mission is to provide cost-effective, world class service to our clients. We do this by researching market changes and staying consistent with current technology trends. For more information, please visit our website or contact us today!

Business and Tech Tasks You Shouldn’t Tackle on Your Own

When you own your own business, it’s really easy to get in the mindset of doing everything yourself. After all, what you can control you can do correctly, right? Not necessarily. Although you are an expert in your field, there are some things that you should outsource to others or, at minimum, get a helping hand if you’re not familiar with a certain type of task. Wolex Technologies offers some examples.




When you first started your business, you may have relied on word-of-mouth. This is one of the best ways to gain a following, but, if you really want to grow, you have to market. In today’s digital age, online reviews and video testimonials are the way to go. A dedicated marketing specialist can help you present your business in front of your customers in a way that showcases you at your very best.


Web Design


Web design is a tricky business. If you aren’t familiar with how people view your website on their mobile or desktop devices, you may be tempted to try and fit everything on one page. This is a mistake. Usability Geek also notes that a poor call-to-action and hidden navigation are issues as well.


Graphic Design


Along the same vein as web design is graphic design. Unless you are already familiar with how to use fonts, colors, clipart, and other visual elements, it’s usually best to outsource this to a professional.


Business Formation


Business formation is something else you might want to get a helping hand with, at least the first time you establish an LLC or corporation. Keep in mind that your business structure largely directs many important aspects of your business, such as how you pay taxes and how much, if any, personal liability must be assumed for your business. You can do much of it on your own, albeit with the learning curve, and a business formation service can help you streamline the process. They’ll even file the paperwork after you fill out all the provided documents.


Software Setup


For the most part, setting up software is a simple procedure. Most come with an installation wizard that makes it virtually foolproof. But, certain software programs, like accounting, customer relationship management, and inventory control, may have special nuances that an expert can help you take control of. For example, if you set the wrong accounting method in QuickBooks, you might not be compliant with certain business requirements, depending on your industry.




Speaking of accounting, unless you’re extremely good with numbers and have plenty of time to focus on the books, it’s a smart idea to outsource accounting. Having an accountant or a CPA on your side will help you stay compliant and accurate.




According to UpGuard, “Cybersecurity is the state or process of protecting and recovering computer systems, networks, and programs from any type of attack.” If you aren’t sure of the types of attacks or systems might be vulnerable to, that’s a good sign that you should bring in a cybersecurity expert to keep your systems safe. A vulnerable computer, network, or server is an open buffet for criminals who can steal and control your data. Not only does a data breach decrease your company’s trustworthiness, it could cost you upwards of $4.24 million.


The Hiring Side


Once you determine which specialists you need, you can start looking for candidates. If you want to hire employees, consider working with a recruiting agency, which will handle the legwork of finding worthy candidates and vetting them for interviews. If you’re content with hiring freelancers, look to sites like Upwork and Fiverr, and don’t limit yourself to contractors in the United States. There are plenty of freelancers around the world looking for contract work, from India to the Philippines to Uganda to Brazil. There are people everywhere with the skills you need. Plus, you can avoid complicated payment setups by using a wire transfer service to make payments. Platforms like Remitly offer secure and speedy service, and your recipient can often benefit from great exchange rates. For example, if you’re sending funds to a freelancer in Mumbai, they can get a great dollar- to-rupees conversion rate, and they can have it sent to their bank, or a preferred UPI or cash pickup location.


You know what’s right for your business. But, you also want to save money and do it all. While this is certainly a great attitude to have, there are some areas where it doesn’t make sense to DIY. And, in some cases, such as accounting and digital security, trying to handle things solo may cost you more than it would just to outsource from the beginning.


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Guidelines for Long-Term Success for Small Business Owners

Once you have your foot in the door of the business world, it’s important for you to acquire a secure position there. You need to understand and master the practices that will allow you and your company to flourish for the long term, even in adverse situations. Some of the principles of good management may seem self-evident, but often even seasoned entrepreneurs need a reminder or a checklist of dos and don’ts. To help you find long-term success in your venture, Wolex Technologies offers the following insight for up-and-coming entrepreneurs.

Pursue something you believe in.

Running a business is a lot of work. Sometimes the work can be grueling and thankless. When you are putting in overtime to keep your projects afloat, you need that extra motivation that comes from believing in what you are doing. So don’t get into a business just because someone else told you it would be a good idea. Get into it because you have a clear vision of your own success and are convinced you have something to offer your clients that can better their lives.

Understand your industry.

If you’re going to succeed in your field, you need to have more than just a passing acquaintance with it. Talent or interest in an area won’t translate into serious proficiency without adequate training or knowledge. So, if you are good at accounting, for instance, make sure you get any additional education you need, and know your place in the larger industry, before making a business out of it. This advice should not discourage you; it simply should remind you to take these steps, if they are needed, prior to starting

Have an actionable plan.

Your business plan needs to be more than a general outline. It should set you up with the instructions you need to proceed from one step to the next. It should contain concrete information about how to perform the different tasks that are involved in launching and running a business and keeping it productive as it grows.

Maintain organization.

Once your business is launched, it is crucial that you maintain meticulous organization on every level of operations. Lack of organization will impede efficiency, as well as frustrate both team members and clients. Organization should be present in task management, information management, and even in your physical spaces.

Stay within your budget.

Yes, you need to have a comprehensive budget for your business. But creating a budget is not enough: you need to be mindful about sticking with your budget, also. To do this, you should follow certain general rules such as avoiding unnecessary purchases, shopping around for better deals, and aiming for low overhead. Work with your accountant to track spending patterns so you can see which areas are open to improvement.

Tap into free tools.

You can find a variety of free resources online that can help you with everything from design resources to project management to team communication to social media management. By implementing these tools, you can streamline processes without spending a fortune. For example, if you have yet to settle on your logo, an online logo design tool offers a chance for creativity without the hefty price tag of a designer. Customizable templates, an array of fonts, graphics and images make it easy to craft the perfect logo for your venture, all for free.

Hire people you can trust.

When you put together your team, think carefully about whom you will be able to work with effectively not just now but in the future. It’s generally preferable not to hire based on personal relationships, but rather on competence and shared values. Think about the long-term when you hire. Is this someone you feel you can rely on to oversee their area of the company? Will you be free to focus on your own tasks, knowing they are responsible in their area? Good management depends on your capacity to delegate, so you need to have a team of people you won’t be tempted to micromanage.

Have the right business structure.

The business structure you choose is important because it will affect taxation, paperwork, and any legal issues that might arise. For many small business owners, it’s advisable to register as an LLC, or limited liability company. As an LLC, your business will have access to certain tax advantages. And your personal assets will be protected in case of an accident or lawsuit. If you have not yet formed your business as an LLC, consider using an online service to help you do so easily and affordably.

These guidelines and principles can help you stay on track to success as a business owner while also remaining true to your values and ethics. If you are committed and organized and have a great team to work with, you can look forward to a productive and profitable business future.

How to Secure Your Small Business Website

When you think of crime in your small business, the first thing that comes to mind is often theft of products, materials, or equipment. However, this is not the only crime you have to worry about. As a small business, you cannot stay competitive without a website — and with exposure to the internet comes cybercrime. So, the question becomes, how do you protect your business website against these attacks?


Wolex Technologies presents a guide that explains what you need to know.


Use Secure Socket Layer Protection


A secure socket layer (SSL certificates) creates a secure encrypted connection between you and whoever uses your website. This encrypted connection helps prevent would-be hackers from intercepting client data and other relevant information.


Your entire website should use SSL. That way, customer and server side data are never exposed to anyone but you and your clients, no matter what page on the website they are on. You can recognize websites that use SSL because the web address begins with HTTPS.


Watch Out for SQL Injection


SQL has revolutionized the way that forms are used. This has also created issues with security. A SQL injection is when a potential threat uses a SQL form to inject new information that allows them to access client or server side data. When you are creating website forms in SQL, be sure to specify parameters. This creates a highly specific set of rules for the form input and stops hackers from making up their own using your forms.


Hire a Professional


When in doubt, hire the pros at Wolex who understand cybersecurity and who can efficiently set you up for multiple layers of protection. In addition to offering security solutions, Wolex also provides managed IT services, network consulting and wireless infrastructure services.


Always Update


You update your antivirus and other programs on your system, but what about your webserver? Make sure that you sign up for any security updates offered by your host and other website providers. It is always good to look for automatic updates when offered since this will keep you from logging in and manually updating any scripting, cart, and inventory programs.


Use Strong Passwords and Logins


This is a great rule for you, your clients, and your employees on any website or program you have to log into. Keep in mind rotating your password is frustrating and ultimately not beneficial. Using a strong password is an excellent way to make sure sites are secure.


You should have password criteria that help people pick secure passwords. This means adding requirements like symbols, numbers, and capital letters.


Beware of logins like admin, administrator, or client. You want each login to be unique to the user. This helps with tracking data, orders, and users as well as security.


Two-Step Verification


While you are looking into security options, you might want to add two-step verification to the list, particularly if you have sensitive client data or financial information on the web. During two-step verification you fill in your login, password and then the website sends a message to your phone or backup email to verify that it is you.


Learn the Ropes


It may seem extreme, but because you rely so much on your website and technology, it stands to reason that a great way to become familiar with all of the processes is to take coursework in computer science. This will give you the opportunity to fully understand the inner workings of your systems, and it can benefit you as you start to hire IT professionals or continue to work with outside agencies. Online degree programs make it easy for busy SBOs to return to school while still being able to successfully manage their businesses.



Each of these precautions is easy to implement and hard for hackers to bypass. Keeping your website and your client's data secured should be a priority for your small business. When you’re ready to call in the pros, reach out to Wolex Technologies today! (503) 662-2190

Cybersecurity Best Practices All Business Owners Need to Know

Small businesses are notoriously vulnerable to cyberattacks. Many small business owners fail to implement cybersecurity best practices right from the start, instead choosing to address the issue later down the road. But this is why hackers love to target small businesses. Think it won’t happen to you? Cybersecurity Magazine reports that 61% of all small and medium-sized businesses experienced a cyberattack in the past year!


Protecting your business from cyber threats is essential for preserving your reputation, avoiding legal trouble, and preventing irreparable damage to your business. Here’s what you need to know.


Secure Business Devices and Network Infrastructure


Securing your business hardware is an important line of defense against hackers. Protecting your devices from loss or theft will ensure they don’t get into the hands of potential cybercriminals, and if they do, can’t be accessed by people with ill intent. ZenBusiness recommends investing in key tech, including cost-effective cybersecurity solutions for all of your business hardware, from USB drivers and servers to desktop computers and mobile devices. Not sure where to start? Wolex Technologies can help you establish a custom security solution that best fits the needs of your business.


Establish Strong Passwords


Creating strong passwords will help safeguard your business devices and prevent unauthorized users from accessing important accounts. Learn how to create strong passwords and teach the rest of your team members to do the same. Using a reliable password manager like Bitwarden or 1Password is a great way to generate strong and unique passwords and store them securely for easy access. No more writing passwords on post-it notes!


Invest in the Right Software


When most people think about cybersecurity, antivirus software is what comes to mind. Antivirus software will protect your business from viruses that can spread over the internet and infect your devices. These viruses can slow down your business hardware, damage or delete important files, steal sensitive data, freeze your business devices, and more. Good antivirus software will shield your business from spyware, malware, ransomware, and many other types of online attacks.


Use a VPN


Deploying a VPN across your business is another great way to secure your network from viruses and hackers. A VPN will establish a secure connection between your business and the internet by routing your data through an encrypted tunnel. If this sounds confusing, don’t worry. What’s important to understand is that a VPN can act as an added layer of security for your business. And it’s affordable!


Encrypt Sensitive Data


Encryption solutions can do more than hide your internet traffic. Through encryption systems, you can protect everything from business emails to sensitive customer data stored on your local computers. To make your life easy, system-level data encryption is included in modern versions of Apple OS X and Microsoft Windows. If you use cloud computing solutions, make sure your cloud provider offers email and data encryption.


Perform Regular Backups


Ideally, your business will never have to deal with the fallout of a cyberattack. But unfortunately, the odds are not in your favor. Make sure your business is ready to respond to an attack and recover as quickly as possible. Performing regular data backups is essential! Losing important business data in an attack—or due to a hard drive crash—can end up costing a lot of money in downtime, revenue disruptions, productivity loss, regulatory fines, and damaged reputation.


Keeping backups will get your business back up and running ASAP after a loss event. BusinessBlogs Hub recommends using an online data backup service so you can perform regular backups as painlessly as possible. Look for a service that includes unrestricted access to data, redundancy, automatic backups, and quick data restoration.


Don’t overlook the importance of cybersecurity as you work to grow your small business. Understanding cybersecurity and implementing best practices will protect your business from all kinds of cyberattacks, ultimately saving you money and time in the long run. A cybersecurity improvement is always a smart investment!


Looking for cybersecurity services? Wolex Technologies provides network penetration testing to evaluate your current security environment and build a solution that offers better protection for your growing business. Contact us today! (503) 662-2190.

25 Million Android Phones Infected With Malware That ‘Hides In WhatsApp’

25 Million Android Phones Infected With Malware That ‘Hides In WhatsApp’

As many as 25 million Android phones have been hit with malware that replaces installed apps like WhatsApp with evil versions that serve up adverts, cyber-security researchers warned Wednesday.